Welcome to Allison Field Coaching!
We're all on our own Path!
From the moment we are conceived, we are a spiritual being present in a human body.
When we are born, we become a human expression of our divine self through our experiences.
We are taught our value systems from our parents/caregivers.
We challenge the values our parents taught us and decide what values speak to us, while we dismiss those that don't serve us anymore.
We find ways to connect with GUS (God, Universe, Spirit).
We search for meaning through our day to day experiences.
When things are challenging and we feel like we're going through the fire, it's helpful when we have a strong foundation to know we can go within to get the help we need to move forward.
We discover we have everything within our human body to reach our highest potential.
We begin looking for ways to cultivate that inner knowing.
We begin listening more to our heart vs. our head.
We come to realize the infinite value of our own intuition to guide us along the path that serves our highest and best good.
And....you found your way to my page.
I am committed to supporting you to explore and discover your own Path, in your own time and in your own way. If you.......
are passionate about what you do and feeling disconnected from GUS.
want to integrate mind, body and spirit in all that you do so you feel connected and guided by your divine source.
are ready to dig deep to learn who you really are and do what you want to do in this life.
want to discover and connect to your purpose, then go out and make it happen.
are aware that you have some blocks that keep coming up around getting started and moving forward.
are feeling like some compassionate, supportive coaching would be helpful to navigate through the blocks so you can get to where you want to go.
are ready and committed to live your BIGGEST AND BEST LIFE!
Then join me and take your life to the next level. Let's connect so I can learn more about what that could look like for you. It's a sacred journey that can shift the trajectory of the rest of your life so you are living your BEST LIFE!
Are you ready?